Cat Island "Aoshima"

Original Title

Shimaneko Biyori

  • Cat Island "Aoshima"
  • Duration : 70min.


Relaxing and cozy in rain or shine
From Ehime, a heartwarming tale of cats
To celebrate TV Ehime’s 45th anniversary

There is a place much talked about by cat lovers these days. Aoshima, an island offshore the city of Ohzu in Ehime prefecture. This island in the gentle waters of the Seto Inland Sea inhabited by 15 humans and over 100 cats is known as the modern holy land of cats. There are many “cat islands” around the world, but Aoshima’s nature is still nearly in its pristine state. Time flows slowly on the island. There are no cars, no inns, no restaurants, and not even vending machines. The mission of the 100 cats is to live freely and leisurely. They sleep, eat, and play. “Shimaneko Biyori” has started its broadcast this summer to showcase these cats on Aoshima!! The TV program has also been made into DVDs on which the popular 5-minute TV shows have been re-edited and compiled into 60-minute footages of the lives of the cats. They also contain a bonus?lessons by Sakura Ishihara, the cat photographer that takes photos of the cats on the TV show. She gives tips on how to capture those cutest cat moments on film. A TV show and DVDs to showcase the island and the heartwarming cats to people all over Japan!!


15 humans, 100 cats. On Aoshima, an island in the Seto Inland Sea, there are no cars, no inns, no restaurants. Cat photographer Sakura Ishihara captures the cats that live there where time flows slowly.
Contented. Relaxing. A heartwarming cat program!